Just when I think we are finally getting our lives back to normal, a new "challenge" gets thrown our way. I am beyond fed up. This past year has been THE. MOST. STRESSFUL. year of my entire life. It has been one thing after another, after another. I have been waiting for a year to have my life back... but maybe that will never happen.
I'M DONE. no... I'm BEYOND done.
Our basement is flooding again... worse than ever. Now it has DESTROYED Adelyn's new room that we worked so stinkin' hard on. My heart aches for my kids right now. Adelyn has been forced back upstairs into what was supposed to be Jaxen's room (that we also nearly killed ourselves trying to get done in time for my little man's arrival)... And Jaxen is stuck sharing a room with us forever.
So.... Adelyn has no bedroom. And now neither does Jax... and on top of it all, Jaxen had his 2 month shots today and instead of cuddling my hurting little man, I am stuck it this stupid basement sucking water through shop vacs, dumping 7 gallon pails of water down the laundry sink, and wringing out nasty towels. Poop.
I'm officially declaring it.... I HATE THIS HOUSE. It seems every time I find a new love for this house, something happens to make me dislike it all over again. Grrr....