So.... last night around 1am Shaun got sick... REALLY, REALLY sick. We spend the next 3 hours scrubbing and sanitizing every wall, and flour in the house... not to mention about 5 loads of laundry. That's how sick he got. Sigh.
On top of that, all the craziness woke Adelyn up and she was screaming because she had no idea what was going on and was so stinkin' tired. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep a 1 year old away from a mess like that.... not fun. So, Adelyn and I bundled up at 2am and went to Superstore for ginger ale and more cleaning supplies. To be honest, it was nice to get away from the mess for a little while.
When we got back it was more scrubbing and laundry, then off to bed.
Now, to the part of the story that has had me in tears ever since this whole ordeal started..... my business laptop was the first thing that got "hit".... a short time later it gave us the black screen of death and a terrible beeping sound (kinda sounded like a smoke detector or something).... GRRRRR.............. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've already been stressing out about our photo business lately because we have about 7 shoots booked for January and the idea of being 30+ weeks pregnant during these shoots didn't thrill me... not to mention that I will have no time to edit all of these shoots. NOW, I have no computer to edit them on!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRR again!
We just bought that computer in summer and it was a sacrifice to buy it in the first place, but we desperately needed to because our other computer has issues and won't run my editing software or videos or anything like that. So, I am extremely ticked off about that... but then I realized that all my business documents, appointments, phone numbers, email addresses, and back-up photos from previous shoots are (our were) all on that computer. AHHHHHH!!!!!!! This is the part when I feel like screaming! We also lost all of our personal photos from this entire year. That is a whole years worth of photos that I will never get back. I am beyond upset about this.
Please understand that I am not mad at my hubby for being sick... just mad at the situation. I have poured everything I have into this business and now it is all gone.... I have no idea how I am going to re-create everything I lost or edit all the shoots we have coming up in January.... and I have no way of replacing all of the photos we've lost (personal and business).
Some Christmas.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago