Since I have a wonderful week off from editing photo's, I thought I would spend more time this week blogging... however, I don't have much to blog about. lol! So, this may be boring to some of you, but i'm blogging about random stuff today.
We have an ultrasound on Wednesday, and I am SOOO excited to see our little 'sprout' again. :o) We aren't sure whether we will find out the sex or not, but we have 2 days to decide. We kept it a surprise with Adelyn, and that was really fun... however this time I think I am leaning more towards finding out. We will see what happens I guess... maybe baby won't even co-operate. :o) I can't believe we are 19.5 weeks already! It is going by pretty quickly. I can only feel baby moving once or twice a day, so I'm praying that will increase soon. Adelyn was moving a whole lot more at this point in pregnancy... but maybe this little one is just lazy. :o)
I've started decorating for Christmas and am hoping to put the tree up soon... maybe even today! Shaun thinks that it is ridiculously early, but my theory is the earlier you do it, the longer it lasts. I will post some pictures soon of all the decorations.
Speaking of Christmas decorations, I was seriously bummed out when we went to Wal-mart to buy some new decorations. They have tons of gorgeous stuff this year, however I really wanted a nice nativity set to put on our mantel and there was only 2 dinky ones to choose from. Lame. Half the store is full of Christmas decor, and yet it is all Santa Claus and snowmen.... nothing to do with Jesus' birth which is the real reason for this wonderful season. Sigh.
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
Maybe you should try Dove for a nativity? They might have something!